
Research. Free and Independently.

Carolin Zöbelein (Samdney @GitHub)
Math and Theoretical Computer Science Researcher
Distributed Networks, Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization
Inventorship, Open Innovation and Science


That's new

Math, CS and Random Stuff :) Go to Blog

Check out the videos, screencasts, recordings and talks about my research work at YouTube and Vimeo!
Private Investors
Seeeking for partnerships for prototyping, patent applications and license takers.
#DataTransmissionAlgorithms, #Streaming, #DistributedNetworks, #HighRateDataCompression, #DataFlowRouting, #CensorshipCircumvention, #HybridAlgorithms, #ITSecurity

My current work includes...

  • High amount transmission data compression algorithms
  • Multi-Problem hybrid algorithms
  • Adversary data removing resistant systems
  • Anti-Censorship algorithms
  • Circuit level based server cooling and energy saving

Information for private investors are available on Funding.

Founder, Head of R&D @Hyperbedge Technologies
Research Scholar @Ronin Institute
Supporter @Tor Project

Google Scholar: 8r4VsJQAAAAJ
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OSF: osf.io/d64bs
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Current Events

Blog & Discussions
Visit me on Mathoverflow ...
... and read more about my work on my Blog.
You can also find me on YouTube ...
... and Vimeo.

Job alarm!
I'm looking for somebody who can help me we with math/cs paper and blog posts typping. I have the math, but because of a disease, temporary language brain failures, I need assistance with writing. If you want to help me or know somebody who could help me, please contact me.

Status Report
#1: Getting ordered, collecting money, 2019/10/24
This article is the first one of a new series, a kind of newsletter, for updating you what have happened in the last weeks or months related to my work as independent mathematical research scientist and also a bit about my art work. ....
For all status reports see also Blog tag: status report

Quick link: Combsee.org
Decentralized search for more privacy.
A new type of decentralized, privacy preserving, search engine based on its mathematical design.


NGI Zero: Search and Discovery Fund
A fund dedicated to search technologies which creates an open, trustworthy and reliable internet for all and financial supported by the European Commission (Grant, 19 100 EUR, 12 months)

Decentralized search for more privacy. A research and development project for a new type of decentralized, privacy preserving, search engine based on its mathematical design. Started 2019/12/10.

Twitter secrets [on hold]
A general investigation in possible ways to use Twitter for secret data sharing/transfer.