
#That's me #Schedule #Current work #Mission #Hiring #Curriculum Vitae

That's me

Carolin Zöbelein
Independent mathematical scientist

Human rights, the right to knowledge, education and the freedom of speech are important values of the human society. They support new kinds of thinking which help to bring the mankind more forward in their place on our planet.

But this rights are not so naturally in certain countries, like it should be. Countries censor sources of information, like the internet which has became the most important source for knowledge and freedom of speech.

I'm an independent mathematical scientist (Research Scientist), working on designing a new kind of censorship free, access to knowledge warranty, privacy and anonymity preserving internet by a Mathematical Computer Science approach for Distributed Network Structures & Protocols as well as Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization.

I had the luck to be born in a country in which this rights are respected, with free education and open knowledge for everybody, with freedom of speech and without censorship.

Thankful for the possibilities I had, to be able to go to school, attending university and get an high education, I see a responsibility for using my skills and knowledge, to help people who don't have this luck.

So, I started to work, to use my mathematical gift and my privilege of getting higher education, to help people to get their right to knowledge and freedom of speech, too.


Here, you can find my schedule of current known public events, for the next months.


Current work

I work on:

  • Mathematical & Theoretical Computer Science
    • Distributed Network Structures & Protocols
    • Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization
  • Number Theory
    • Prime numbers
    • Elementary number theory
  • Misc stuff
    • Small algebra stuff
    • Online traffic obfuscation and ways for circumventing blocking and censorship
    • Searching for weaknesses of encryption algorithms and online protocols
    • Mobile app user privacy (Currently only for Android apps)

For information about my work, have a look at my GitHub account https://github.com/Samdney and my blog https://blog.carolin-zoebelein.de/.


To help people, who want to make the world better, with my mathematical and technical skills to circumvent repression and censorship and protecting their privacy.


I work as independent mathematical scientist and also do mathematical services (E.g. Mathematical Problem Solving, Algorithm Revision and Development, Mathematical Modelling) for companies. Additionally, I make digital and political art. If you are interested in hiring me, contact me by email.

You can find a Hiring Manual as pdf version here.

Curriculum Vitae

You can find my curriculum vitae as pdf version here.