#Mathematical & Theoretical Computer Science
#Distributed Network Structures & Protocols
#Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization
#Number Theory
#Misc stuff
Mathematical & Theoretical Computer Science
Mathematical Computer Science uses the application of mathematics to problems in computer science and the development of mathematical methods suitable for the formulation of computer science theories and new design concepts.In contrast, Theoretical Computer Science is an intersection of general computer science and mathematics which focuses on mathematical topics within computer science like e.g. algorithms, computational complexity theory or automata theory.
Distributed Network Structures & Protocols

Decentralization as design goal for the internet of the future.
Currently, I mainly work on ...
- Universal structure descriptions of a diverse set of participants and their characteristics
- Local data graph property driven protocols and information exchange
- Blocking and censorship circumvention by data property driven protocols
- Communication protocol driven (hybrid) data compression
Algorithms, Combinatorics & Optimization
Efficient algorithms are an important part of digital technologies.
Currently, I mainly work on ...
- Enhancements of existing graph and hypergraph theory
- Dynamical graphs and hypergraphs
- Hybrid algorithms (mainly SpsOaH) and protocols
- One-problem-statement-Several-algorithms-Hybrid (OpsSaH)
- Several-problem-statements-One-algorithm-Hybrid (SpsOaH)
- Dynamical hyperintrusion on algorithms at run time and their applications
- Connections of dynamical (hyper)graph algorithms to fundamental physics

Number Theory

Number Theory is a fascinating topic which plays an important role in our daily life.
- Prime numbers
- Elementary number theory
Misc stuff
Stuff which fits to nothing else.
- Small algebra stuff
- Online traffic obfuscation and ways for circumventing blocking and censorship
- Searching for weaknesses of encryption algorithms and online protocols
- Mobile app user privacy (Currently only for Android apps)