Notes: Basic conditions for a mathematical forced decentralized network protocol (MfDN-Protocol)
Published , Public

- Author(s): Carolin Zöbelein
- Published: 2020/02/20
- Subject Classification: ACM Computing. Networks - Network protocol design.
- Keywords: Decentralization, Networks, Protocol, Mathematical, Privacy
- id: notes_0006
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A mathematical forced decentralized network protocol needs a set of basic conditions which has to be considered. To get more clear about it, we discuss the differences of this concept regarding to classical decentralized systems and give a first starting point for further design steps.Content
- Introduction
- What does MfDN-Protocol mean?
- 2.1. Centralized service
- 2.2. Classical decentralized service
- 2.3. Mathematical forced decentralized service
- Critical design questions
- Main decentralization points
- Conclusion
- Further Information
- Acknowledgement
- License