Notes: Grundy values and distinct distances
Published , Public

- Author(s): Carolin Zöbelein
- Published: 2020/03/28
- Subject Classification: 2010 Mathematics Classification: Primary 05A17.
- Keywords: Combinatoric, Integers, Sequences, Grundy values, Nim-values
- id: notes_0007
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In this work we examine some basic properties of Grundy values for heaps of n beans and it’s distances between themselves as well as between the sequence {0, . . . , k − 1}, k ∈ N.Content
- Preamble
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Grundy values
- 2.1 Definition
- 2.2 Element determination
- 3 Distance examinations
- 3.1 First appearances within Grundy sequence
- 3.2 Positions of sequence elements
- 3.3 Position distance of first appearances
- 3.4 Position distance of problem statement sequence
- 3.5 Distance between same number appearences
- 4 Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- License